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mandelbrot renderer

This is a set of software that is good for making mandelbrot zooms

gui can be used to explore the mandelbrot set, and then when you find something interesting, you can make a zoom on it with the other programs


This has buttons to move the viewport, and change a lot of characteristics about the image

It takes a while to render sometimes, but by changing some of the characteristics this can be changed


This takes in a file with some parameters and the takes a long time to render a couple frames

The frames are numbered to and then ffmpeg or something similar can be used to combine these into a video


When this is done, run 'ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i %04d.png -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4' to combine it into a video


This takes a bit of info that comes from gui and then converts it into the full file for video

I'm planning on changing it at some point to include more stuff but it is what it is

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architechture gui adjuster video
linux 64-bit intel/AMD gui x86 64 linux adjuster x86 64 linux video x86 64 linux
macos intel gui mac intel adjuster mac intel video mac intel
windows 64-bit gui windows 64 adjuster windows 64 video windows 64
source code gui adjuster video